Giveaway Information

Giveaways are currently not being offered at the moment.

  1. At the end of every month, we do a $100 giveaway which is a credit to purchase an item that is sold by our Trusted Members.
  2. Giveaway entries are always 2-3 months out due to maximizing 65 spots/month.
    1. Example: You did brokerage this month and do not see your name on this month’s giveaway, do not panic. You will be on the giveaway within the next 2 or 3 months.
  3. Giveaway spins are randomized and maxed at 65 spots per month.
  4. Anyone who utilized the Admin Brokerage Service will be counted towards the giveaway. Each person who utilized this service will be awarded one entry. No limit on how many times it is used.
  5. Anyone who hosted a Waffle will be counted towards the giveaway. Each waffle sale equals one entry. No limit on how many waffles.
  6. New members who join a waffle (and didnt win).
    1. Must give notice to Admin Linh within 30 days.
  7. Anyone who utilized the Auction will be counted towards the giveaway. Each auction sale equals one entry. No limit on how many auctions.
  8. The Fragrance Marketplace “TOP 10 Contributors” by Facebook’s analytics within the last 28 days from the drawing day will be given one entry automatically.

Giveaway Tracker